I’m happy to let you all know that I just updated the free pageant course. So if you are already a member of the free pageant course, it’s free. Just go and log in. If you go to freepageantcourse.com, you can log in there. If you’re not a member yet, go grab it!
Here are some great things that you get in the new updated course. I included ten mantras for pageant success. A mantra is a thing, a phrase or something that you can speak over yourself, and I’ve created ten of those for you. I actually found them in my own journey, and I want to share them with you. I even created a pageant timeline so that you know what you can prepare for at the state level, at the national level, even at the local level and international level. What do you need to do to ensure that you are competitive compared to the other women around you? You’ll find the answer in the course!
I also included the difference between worthiness and value, because you’ve probably heard a lot of people … I know I’ve heard a lot of women say that they’re doing their pageant because they want to prove they’re worth it. You do not want to compete in your pageant to prove your worthiness. Instead, what you’ve got to do is prove your value.
I share with you the game plan strategy, in this strategy we see what separates the winners from the losers, particularly the winners from the first runner-up. Which I was first runner-up many, many times before finally winning. And it’s a big difference. So I share this with you and so much more in the free pageant course.
I would love to hear what your favorite parts are about the free pageant course. If you have been a member in the past, you get all of the updates. You’ll find them when you log in. And if you haven’t, if you’ve never joined us before, please join us now. It’s free. Freepageantcourse.com is where you get all the goodies. I’ll see you there!