Hi, Winners! Today, we’re asking some tough questions…starting with: Are you really ready to compete?
Competition can appear to be so much fun – and it is! It also takes a lot of commitment to truly have a great year and get the most out of it. When you aren’t fully prepared to win, you risk your reputation. When you are fully prepared, you’ll have an understanding of what’s required of you and you’ll be prepared to step into the role with full confidence. With preparation, people will know they can count on you and respect you for your ability to deliver on your promises. In this episode, I’m going to share a list of 10 questions I recommend you consider of yourself before you decide to compete for your next title. Plus, the question that I’m sure is looming in the back of your mind.
10 Questions to Consider Before Competing
1. Why do I want to compete/win? What do I hope to take away from this experience?
2. Will this pageant help me to accomplish that goal?
3. What is the ultimate goal that I have for competing/ Where do I want to place? Win?
4. How much time do I need to prepare?
5. What will I have to sacrifice?
6. What will I need in terms of partners, preparation and finances/budget?
7. What resources do I need to prepare?
8. If I win, what will need to change? (Time, money, finances)
9. What else? (Location, activities, etc)
10. Am I okay with these changes? (Is family okay with it?)
Once you’ve gone through all of these questions, you may feel 100%-in and ready to commit to the pageant.
The one thing hanging over your head might be
“What will other people think of me?”
That’s a scary one, because we are all wanting to feel accepted and if you decide to compete in a pageant, maybe your parents will think you’re silly or your boyfriend will say something like ‘that’s for dumb girls” or your professors, co-workers, and boss won’t take you seriously.
I competed in my mid-20’s while I was in graduate school working for the Vice President of my University. I had to break it to the whole office that if I won the local, I’d be out for a full week during the summer for the state pageant. Fortunately, I was prepared for their confusion and had some pretty impressive – and true – responses.
The very first video training in the Free Pageant Course is “5 Real-Life Benefits of pageant competition.” Hey girl, the Free Pageant Course has been updated! Get the latest and greatest training HERE.
Most of the naysayers are people that simply don’t know what a pageant is or don’t understand the industry. You obviously know more than they do, but phrasing it in a way that doesn’t knock them on their heels and also proves your intelligence and preparedness is key.
Because, that, ladies is how you win a pageant.
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