Several years ago, a mentor of mine explained the concept of “The Year Scot.” In case you were wondering, his name was Scot.
“The Year of You” focuses on:
+ What makes you happy
+ Becoming a better version of yourself
+ Accomplishing your vision
+ Having a wildly successful year
That was about 5 years ago, and since then, every year has been “The Year of Alycia.”
With this concept, I traveled abroad, moved across the country, attended events like Tony Robbin’s Unleash the Power Within and Life on Fire’s Ignite, I got certified in many fitness techniques, changed careers…twice, I became a model, spokesperson, host, started a business…I have accomplished so much in the last 5 years as a result of this goal setting process.
The beauty of dedicating the full year to…you, is that it becomes less about the outcome of a particular situation and more focus is put on the growth during the journey. Instead of being concerned with what you can’t control, you shift your focus to what you can control.
Women have differing reasons for wanting to win a pageant. Lots of women want to win to further a particular cause, experience the limelight of celebrity, be rushed off into fun and interesting experiences, or hob-nob with the debutants. Whatever your reason, I promise you, it’s not the crown that makes you achieve it, but rather all the work that prepares you for the crown. This is one of the biggest misconceptions: that you have to win to achieve success. The truth is the winners are already achieving success….and that’s why they win.
There are many types of goals. The most common is outcome goals, which are typically measured with #, $, %. This is the key performance indicators like the average number of appearances you make in a month, the increased dollar amount of donations at your fundraiser, the lowered percent of at-risk youth. Those outcome goals are directly tied to a series of actions that you have control over.
The one we’ll discuss today is Process Goals: things that are learned, accomplish, or develop during the process
The Process of Setting Process Goals:
Brainstorm the things that are most important for you to gain from the year.
What do you want to learn? What skills do you want to develop? How do you want to stretch yourself to grow? Who will your legacy project reach this year? What new adventures do you want to have? Dream on and on – keep thinking of things until you have a good-sized list of about 25 things.
Then, read through your list again.
Ask yourself which ones aren’t really that important to you. Cross them out. No sense cluttering your brain with ideas that don’t really matter. You’ll likely have about 10-15 process goals.
Read your list again.
Ask yourself which ones are relying on something you can’t control. Re-write them to focus on the process or just scratch them off your life. For example, if you wrote that you want to convince Google to donate $20,000 to your platform, re-write it to say, Learn the best way to gain high-level sponsors that could donate $20,000 for my platform.
Usually process goals take longer than a few weeks to accomplish. It’s more like a full year. Plus, you have to remember that YOU are responsible for accomplishing these during your process. All of these goals are growth-oriented, and will pay off in real life beyond pageantry. When you are focused on learning to choose clothes that flatter your figure and personality, you’ll make much better choices with pageant wardrobe when the time comes. Do you see how this works for women that are in pageantry for the long-haul? Year after year, they are learning new skills that apply to pageants and to real life – that is why they are successful.
That is why I only work with clients that have a big-vision, a 5-year plan. We don’t compete to just win the pageant; we compete to win in life. Some of my clients goals include things like learning how to network at a cocktail party, learning to read a teleprompter, successfully hosting a live event, or knowing how to choose clothes that work best for them while shopping.
Your goals are a part of the process, and they will take time, but this time next year, you will have achieved so much.
And that, ladies is how you win a pageant.
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