Bonus!: Your FREE Pageant Course (The 3 Rookie Pageant Interview Mistakes…and how to avoid them)

Great news! The Pageant Interview Game Plan is now open for enrollment and we’re celebrating with a free pageant course!

The Free Pageant Course is a 3-day video training that will teach you the 3 Rookie Pageant Interview Mistakes… and, how to avoid them.

When you sign up for the Free Pageant Course, you’ll get an email each of the 3 days with a video (each video is about 10 minutes) explaining why women make the mistake and how you can avoid it.

This does two things for you:
1 – You’ll figure out what most women never figure out their entire pageant career because they keep making these mistakes and no one’s told them not to. In fact, the first of the three rookie mistakes is probably the easiest to avoid, but still the most common mistake.

2 – This free pageant course allows you to experience a bit of my teaching style. You’ll be able to see if we click and if you want to learn more from me. If not, then you can just stick with the free pageant course. But, if you are ready to learn more, you’ll be given the opportunity to get into the Game Plan at the end of the 3 days of the Free Pageant Course.

If it’s a fit for you, then you’ll be perfectly primed to take it to the next level. If not, then that’s okay too.

I’d love to see you in the Free Pageant Course to help us celebrate the re-opening of the Game Plan!
You can enter your name and email to get the course at >>>

Connect with Alycia:

For more great pageant training, enroll in the Free Pageant Course