189: Tying Together Your Brand with Amanda Brady, Mrs. Utah American

Amanda Brady is the newly crowned Mrs. Utah American.

Amanda has been married to Ty for over 21 years. They have 5 children and have built a million dollar business.

Amanda is the host of the podcast “Be the Good” and creator and board member of many charitable organizations. She has also personally sponsored over 85 young athletes to compete in sports like football, horseback riding, cheerleading, lacrosse, and bodybuilding.

Amanda is on a mission to inspire others to smile at a stranger, freely give high fives, and Be The Good they want to see in the world.

Watch the Video Here:

Amanda Brady shares with us her vision for her title as Mrs. Utah American.

She shares the goal for her Legacy Project is to grow the Be The Good Community. Amanda Brady hopes to spread her Be The Good message through her podcast and her weekly Be The Good Challenge.

On this episode of Win A Pageant, you’ll hear:

  • Amanda finally Stepping Up
  • The New Vision for Amanda’s Legacy Project
  • The Heart Story


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